A Difficult Game About Climbing elicits strong reactions from its players, largely due to its challenging but rewarding mechanics. While some celebrate the game's unique approach to climbing simulation and find satisfaction in mastering its demanding controls, others struggle with the physical discomfort it can cause and the steep learning curve. Frequent comparisons to 'Getting Over It' establish a high expectation, which the game meets in varying degrees for different players. Despite its polarizing difficulty, many express a sense of achievement upon finishing, and the game's clever use of physics and checkpoints is commonly appreciated.
Positive Points
Unique and engaging climbing mechanicsSatisfying gameplay once mechanics are masteredForgiving checkpoint system reducing frustration from fallsVisually appealing and varied environmentsMomentum-based movement praised for adding depthNew techniques and shortcuts discovered through gameplayReplay value through speedrunning mentionedNegative Points
Controls can cause physical discomfort or strainSome found the game too challenging or frustratingComparisons to 'Getting Over It' led to mixed feelingsSome jumps and obstacles deemed too precise or unfairA few instances of possibly buggy or unpredictable physicsMixed Points
Difficulty level appeals to some but overwhelms othersLack of narration or story divided playersControl scheme's learning curve considered both a pro and conCommon Themes
Difficult but rewarding mastery of controlsPhysically demanding on player's hand or wristCheckpoints mitigate some of the game's challengeComparisons with 'Getting Over It by Bennett Foddy'Updated 7/29/2024, 7:02:04 PM UTC